Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your special someone at the Redpath Museum’s Darwin and Love Day. Cozy up for a presentation by the Redpath’s own David Green who will tell you everything you want to know about sexual selection and courtship. You can also browse the special Darwin Now! exhibit celebrating the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his seminal book On the Origin of Species. Prepared by the British Council, the didactic exhibit highlights the man and his hugely influential theories. Each panel tells its own story as you learn about Darwin, his findings, and how his monumental theory is still relevant today.
Darwin & Love, The Presentation with David Green, Redpath Auditorium, Feb. 14, 4 p.m. Darwin Now!, The Exhibition, Feb. 14, 1-5 p.m. All are welcome. Free of charge. For more info, call 514-398-4094.