Lucian Award lecture

4217-AC-CARDIOLOGYEvery year, since 1978, the Louis & Artur Lucian Award is conferred upon an outstanding researcher in the field of circulatory diseases. This year, the Award is being given to Dr. Peter Libby, Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts and Mallinckrodt Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. As this year’s recipient, Dr. Libby will be on hand to deliver The Louis & Artur Lucian Award for Research in Circulatory Diseases Lecture. As a clinical expert in the area of general and preventive cardiology, his lecture will focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of acute coronary syndromes.

The Louis & Artur Lucian Award for Research in Circulatory Diseases Lecture with Dr. Peter Libby: Thur., June 3, 12 p.m. Cardiology Grand Rounds; JSL Browne Amphitheatre, Room M3.01, Royal Victoria Hospital. For more information, please contact All are welcome.