McGill has built up a wide range of communications tools to help keep you safe in an emergency. On Oct. 22, McGill’s emergency notification tools will be tested. Read the information below to find out how these tests may affect you.
The following notification tools will be tested:
SMS text & voice messages
10:30 a.m. (approx.): Test messages will be sent to cell phones of students, staff and faculty who’ve signed up for this McGill | Attention! free messaging service. To ensure you can receive these messages, sign up now.
Pop-up messages on computer screens
10:30 a.m. (approx.): A pop-up test message will be sent to registered desktops and laptops across McGill’s campuses. To ensure you can receive this free service, install Alertus software on your computer.
Mass Email Message
10:30 a.m. (approx.): An email message will be sent through McGill’s email messaging system which sends an email to all McGill Community members. website announcements
The emergency Web announcements will be tested at in four phases from 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.; 8:30 p.m. – 8:35 p.m.; 8:35 p.m. – 8:40 p.m. (all times are approximate).
For more information on this test, go here.
Your feedback
If you have any questions or comments about this test, send them an email.