MSF, R2P and W2I

4210-AC-MSFMédecins sans frontières (MSF) has worked in war and conflict zones since its inception. It had its medical teams in Rwanda during the genocide, in Srebrenica during the 1995 massacre, and in Darfur since 2003, just to name a few. In light of its experience and its goal to continue responding to these crises, what approach should the MSF movement take towards the “Will to Intervene” and the “Responsibility to Protect” reports?

On Feb. 9, the McGill Humanitarian Studies Initiative for Residents (HSIR), a new program at McGill modeled after the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, will be hosting a panel discussion/fundraiser where Frank Chalk, Co-Director of the “Will to Intervene” project, Kyle Matthews, project leader of W2I, and Rony Brauman, President of MSF from 1982-1994 and current Research Director at the “Centre de réflexion sur l’action et les savoirs humanitaires” will discuss this question and many more.

Humanitarian Studies Initiative for Residents event, Feb. 9, 7-9 p.m., Meakins Amphitheatre, McIntyre Medical Building. For more information, please visit or email