Meeting Canada's millennium goals

Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs
Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) represent a global partnership that has grown from the commitments and targets established at the world summits of the 1990s. Responding to the world’s main development challenges and to the calls of civil society, the MDGs, set for 2015, promote poverty reduction, education, maternal health, gender equality, and aim at combating child mortality, AIDS and other diseases.  On April 15, McGill University’s Institute for Studies in International Development (ISID) and the Sauvé Scholars Program are pleased to present a free public talk by Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former Director of the UN Millennium Project. Dr. Sachs will be speaking about what Canada can do to meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Dr. Sachs is the Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. Sachs is also President and Co-Founder of Millennium Promise Alliance, a non-profit organization aimed at ending extreme global poverty.  Professor Sachs is widely considered to be the leading international economic advisor of his generation.  For more than 20 years Professor Sachs has been in the forefront of the challenges of economic development, poverty alleviation, and enlightened globalization, promoting policies to help all parts of the world to benefit from expanding economic opportunities and wellbeing.

Free public lecture: “What Canada can do to help achieve the MDGs” with  Dr. Jeffrey Sachs. Wednesday, April 15 from 9:30-10:15 a.m. at Steward Biology Building, 1305 Docteur-Penfield Ave., Room S/1/4. For more info, call 514-398-3509 or