French sociologist, philosopher, cultural theorist and political commentator Jean Baudrillard was nothing if not provocative. Watergate, he claimed, was not a scandal but a truth that exposed the rottenness of government. However, his concept of the hyperreal – the model of something that does not exist – provides a means of rigorously interrogating the orthodoxies upon which social actions and arrangements are based.
On Oct. 14, The Beatty Memorial Lectures Series and The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy present a free public lecture by Dr. Michael F. Watts, Cambridge University professor and author of Jean Baudrillard: A Primer.
Matrix Unloaded: Jean Baudrillard and Hyperreality, Thurs., Oct. 14, 6:30 – 9 p.m., Room 129, Education Building, 3700 McTavish. All are welcome. For more information, please call 514-398-7242.