Come together, academia

Transdisciplinary research is an increasingly important approach to inquiry that seeks to go beyond the boundaries of existing disciplines and bring together the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and the arts. However, little is known about the implementation, efficacy and outcomes of such approaches. The Faculty of Education invites McGill academics to a daylong workshop that will bring together experienced presenters from the natural and social sciences, the arts, business and government that have embraced, experimented with, and reflected on, the use and misuses of transdisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity perspectives. Presenters will be Prof. Hélène Perrault, Dean, Faculty of Education; Prof. Don McLean, Dean, Schulich School of Music; Prof. Nicholas Kasirer, Dean, Faculty of Law; Prof. Martin Krieswirth, Associate Provost, Graduate Education; Prof. Laurette Dubé of the Desautels Faculty of Management, Prof. Ross Andersen, Faculty of Education; Mr. Alain Dudoit, Associate Vice-Principal, Strategic Innovation Partnerships (McGill); Dr. Jane Aubin, Scientific Director, Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis, CIHR; Professor Raymond Niaura, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University Medical School; Dr. Stuart Harshbarger, Principal Professional Staff Member, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. Glen D. Morgan, Psychology & Behavioral Medicine, Rockville, MD; and Dr. Pierre Bilodeau, Director, Bio Industries Division, Research Partnerships Program, NSERC. Professor Anthony Masi, Provost, will chair a closing plenary discussion on lessons learned.

Transdisciplinary research and training workshop: Moving toward and sharing the experience: Friday, March 13, Faculty Club Ballroom, 3450 McTavish St., Montreal. Free and open to all McGill academics. Registration deadline is March 6. To register and to see the workshop program visit