Super Science Documentary Films presents Hotspots

115020_HotspotsThe Redpath Museum is proud to be taking part in the International Year of Biodiversity. As part of its events and activities in 2010, the Museum will be featuring a series of documentary films this summer that focus on the creatures of our earth and seas, the local and international issues that threaten their (and our) survival, and what people are doing to help. The Series continues this Sunday, June 13 with the film Hotspots. Chronicling the work of Dr. Russell Mittermeier, President of Conservation International, the film follows Mittermeier’s journeys throughout the world to assess key biological hotspots — areas of the planet which are populated by the largest number of unique plant, animal and insect species at risk of extinction.

Hotspots, Sunday, June. 13 3:00 p.m.; Redpath Museum, Auditorium, 859 Sherbrooke Street West. For more information: