Spring 2017 Convocation in pictures

Smiling students filing from Redpath Hall to the tent; a solemn bagpiper leading the platform party down from the Arts Building; proud parents beaming as their child crosses the stage to receive their degree… This year’s Convocation photo gallery has captured some of the pride and joy.
Photo: Doug Sweet

Though oft-repeated over the course of McGill’s long history, the iconic scenes of Convocation never grow old. Smiling students filing from Redpath Hall to the tent; a solemn bagpiper leading the platform party down from the Arts Building; proud parents beaming as their child crosses the stage to receive their degree… This year’s Convocation photo gallery has captured some of the pride and joy. Feel free to submit your shots to our gallery by sending them to neale.mcdevitt@mcgill.ca.

Click on each thumbnail below to enlarge the picture


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Debra Myerson
7 years ago

What is there to celebrate? McGill has sunk deep in every ranking (QS just last Friday, Times, ARWU, US News & World Report, etc.) done this and last year, while the U of Toronto has emerged as the top u in all rankings. It is simply embarrassing to be associated with McGill (to say the least)? Next year, McGill might not even be in the top 50 anywhere.