Although the temperate weather makes it hard to believe, the holiday season is almost upon us. For the past two years, the Reporter asked members of the McGill community what books they were going to read during their downtime this year. Not surprisingly, these communal lists have been long and eclectic, including everything from biographies of rock stars and U.S. presidents to graphic novels and Canadian classics. In keeping with tradition, we’re asking McGillians to tell us what they plan on reading during the break. Send your personal choices (along with your name and job title) to The list will be posted on the Reporter site sometime next week. Check out last year’s list and people’s choices in 2013.
I will take a break from management books and read the new Henry Kissinger biography and Between the World and Me.
The Dog Master by W. Bruce Cameron. This book is waiting for me back home and has me eager to feel all the nostalgia. Winter reading for me immediately brings back memories of ancient, hard-back Jack London novels and the themes of this book are leading quite promisingly towards that genre: adventure, man and beast against nature and their own demons. I am oh so excited to disappear into Cameron’s historical setting. I also have The Conqueror’s Wife by Stephanie Thornton (a novel of Alexander the Great) waiting for me as well, for some lighter reading. Very excited to use… Read more »