Spring 2014 Convocation in pictures

By the time the last selfie is taken in front of the balloon-wielding James McGill statue, more than 5,000 graduating students will have accepted their degrees during this year’s Spring Convocation ceremonies from May 28 to June 2. And you can bet most, if not all, of them will have posed for a commemorative pic or two. Like proud parents, we took our own pictures to capture the happiest week of the year.












By the time the last selfie is taken in front of the balloon-wielding James McGill statue, more than 5,000 graduating students will have accepted their degrees during this year’s Spring Convocation ceremonies from May 28 to June 2.

In addition to the conferring of degrees to students and awards to some of the University’s exceptional faculty and researchers, McGill bestowed honorary degrees upon 14 remarkable individuals, including an ethnographer, a jurist, an architect, scientists and business innovators and leaders.

Finally, these ceremonies will mark the last for H. Arnold Steinberg as Chancellor of the University, who will step down on June 30.

The following is a selection of pictures from Spring Convocation 2014. This post will be updated every day to include pictures from each subsequent ceremony. Click on each thumbnail to see a larger version of the picture.

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10 years ago

How about some more pictures from the Engineering ceremony?

winston abbott
10 years ago

After the ARTS students were pushed out of the tent due to the storm and then rushed thru their diplomia ceremony I noticed a offical photo guy taking pictures of each student as they were capped . Is there any place one can scan those pictures? A concerned grandfather who missed seeing his grandaughter getting here diplmia. If so please email the site to me. Thank you.

10 years ago
Reply to  winston abbott

We will get that to you very soon.

10 years ago

Do we know the dates for the fall graduation ceremony? Many thanks!

10 years ago
Reply to  Sophie

October 29, 2014