Mac Campus and Music staff members honoured for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising

Adelina Lameiras and David Wees help McGill students navigate challenges large and small

Adelina Lameiras and David Wees are the latest winners of the Dean of Students Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising.

Adelina Lameiras, Student Affairs Administrator at the Schulich School of Music, was recognized in the Administrative Staff category.

David Wees, a Faculty Lecturer and Associate Director of the Farm Management and Technology Program in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, won in the Academic Staff category.

The awards aim to recognize the valuable contributions McGill’s academic advisors make to undergraduate student life. They’re overseen by the Office of the Dean of Students.

An advisor for all seasons

David Wees has taught for more than 30 years at Macdonald Campus, where he leads courses on horticulture, agriculture and plant science at the CEGEP and undergraduate levels.

He likens academic advising to farming.

“It’s very seasonal,” he explained. “There are things in the spring, summer and fall that come back year after year so you know what to expect. But every now and then, you get a surprise.”

His goal to get his students through “hoops and hurdles, especially in their first year. It’s all new to them, and it can be daunting.”

That means advising on topics from navigating the library, to obtaining a parking permit, to changing courses in the middle of a semester.

“David has a deep knowledge about the program and he knows the impact of the choices students make,” says Adriana Martin, Student Affairs Coordinator for the Farm Management and Technology program. “He has so much knowledge about the history of the program and the campus, and he is kind in sharing that and helping everyone who comes to him for guidance.”

Going above and beyond

The role of Adelina Lameiras, academic advisor at the Schulich School of Music for over 10 years, extends far beyond the confines of a single faculty.

“We have students from Management, Arts, Engineering and more,” says Lameiras. “Today’s students are multi-talented, and the School is very open to students from other programs exploring a more complete and diverse learning experience.”

Regardless of students’ academic affiliation, Lameiras says she aims to “be a good listener, be patient, and try to put myself in their situation the best I can. I was a McGill student myself, and my experience definitely shaped the way I work with students today.”

Lameiras’s colleagues know every undergraduate she works with is in good hands.

“She has personal knowledge of every student and can help to find solutions to almost any query,” says Andrea Creech, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic and Students Affairs at the Schulich School of Music. “She is extremely deserving of this recognition, as it is work of her calibre that helps maintain our profile as the No. 1 music school in Canada.”

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