Most kids and those of us with an overgrown inner child just hate to see the Christmas tree come down. It means that special time of the year is over. But it’s a fact we have to face and this is the week to do it. The garbage man will probably take the tree off your hands, but why add to the pile at the dump, especially when there are so many other, more environmentally friendly ways, to dispose of the old tannenbaum. The City of Montreal and some surrounding communities will pick up Christmas trees and may even reuse some as decorations or wind barriers around outdoor skating rinks before reducing them to wood chips for composting (real trees only please). Don’t forget to remove all decorations and tinsel before putting the tree out.
In Montreal, where tree pickup will take place throughout the month of January, residents are asked to have their trees out by 8.a.m. If a snow removal operation takes place before pick up, temporarily move the tree out of the way. Many municipalities not offering pickup will set up a tree drop-off area. Contact your municipal authorities for details.