Sweetening the pot for Centraide
With the Centraide campaign beyond the halfway mark, folks at 688 Shebrooke Street sweetened the pot with a contribution of a one-day total of $1,400 through its annual bake sale.
Nancy Wong from HR headed the initiative, supported by Andrée Lahaise (SCS), Madeleine Leblanc-Auger (ISR) and Ida Pagliaro of (IT Services). Team members baked a mountain of goods, manned the display tables and managed the steady incoming flow of cash. The display attracted a lot of traffic and many passersby with a sweet tooth couldn’t resist coming back for more.
“Right after our bake sale ended, a student was holding a bake sale to raise money for the Philippines disaster relief fund, so we donated half of our remaining goods to her. The other half was sold in HR, bringing us to a final total of $1,459.52,” said Nancy Wong, Programmer Analyst in HR. “My sincere thanks to everyone who contributed by bringing or buying food, manning the tables or donating additional cash to Centraide.” This amount exceeds the previous best, in 2010.
Centraide raises money to help more than 300 organizations in Greater Montreal. The money goes to food banks, agencies for troubled kids, shelters for battered women and much, much more.