In July 2020, Workday, the state-of-the-art software solution selected through the R2R program, will replace McGill’s obsolete Banner Human Resources Information System (HRIS) and Payroll One-time Payment System (POPS) to allow more efficient, user-friendly ways of working.
Over the past year, the R2R program has experienced a number of changes in internal leadership and external support, and has undergone a process of extensive review. The program’s leadership team is excited to confirm that the Board of Governors approved the final scope and budget of the program this past February, and the R2R program is now returning to full pace with a clear and renewed mandate to implement Workday.
The main focus of the program has not changed. That is, it remains focused on implementing 21st century software tools and practices that will elevate HR and Academic personnel management, wherever it occurs on McGill’s campuses, to a strategic level in support of the University’s core mission and the Strategic Academic Plan.
Part of the review process over the past months has been to identify the features and functionalities of Workday that address the University’s core needs and will allow McGill to establish a strong foundation for the future. This will be the focus of the initial implementation in summer 2020.
After the primary launch, additional functionalities will be rolled out according to a roadmap that is currently being finalized. The system will continue to evolve in line with future Workday releases and University needs.
Program vision and benefits
Building on the Principal’s priorities of My Healthy Workplace and Transforming our Campus, R2R will support McGill’s vision for the future. It will allow the University to:
- Evolve by implementing a modern, cloud-based solution that will mature with our needs. Workday supports a strategic approach to HR and is aligned to leading practices. This new system will also offer mobile and user-friendly access for all staff.
- Enable simplified HR and Academic personnel processes by creating and strengthening standard practices, maximizing effectiveness and efficiency with guided workflows, reducing manual processing and enhancing employee and Manager self-service.
- Inform by providing users across the community with real-time access to reliable HR data, accurate reporting, clarity and accountability.
To deliver on these priorities, both Academic and Administrative employees need to be supported by processes and systems that are state-of-the-art.
Involvement of the Faculties and administrative units
The R2R team continues to make progress on activities related to system design, integrations with other systems, testing, and developing the new HR service delivery & support model.
From here through the go-live date and beyond, you can expect updates regarding significant milestones and training opportunities tailored to your user profile.
The program’s change management team will also relaunch the change network and work with local teams within each Faculty and Administrative Unit to obtain their input and prepare them for the implementation of Workday.
The R2R Program leadership team would like to take this opportunity to recognize the members of the R2R Core team, the Subject Matter Experts and other staff members from IT, HR, Academic Personnel and Faculties and Units across McGill for their considerable contributions to the program. Many staff members have been partially seconded to the program or are regularly asked to participate in R2R activity. This program is an immense undertaking, and it is thanks to their efforts that R2R is so well positioned to continue moving forward. Their expertise is and will continue to be essential to the program and benefit the university as a whole.
Find more information on the R2R website