Old, sick trees must come down

From the outside, in many cases it would appear there’s nothing wrong. But on the inside, insects, old age and disease have ravaged a number of trees across the downtown campus, and they must be cut down.

By McGill Reporter Staff

From the outside, in many cases it would appear there’s nothing wrong. But on the inside, insects, old age and disease have ravaged a number of trees across the downtown campus, and they must be cut down.

A couple have already been felled near the McTavish Gates and another big red sunset maple came down on the west side of the road to the Roddick Gates Thursday morning. An oak on the other side of the road will also have to come down.

In total, a study of 41 trees on the campus revealed that 16 would have to be felled, said McGill’s Buildings and Grounds Director Marc Dozois. “Some trees are very old and hollow in the middle, which makes them a safety issue,” he said. “Some of them have a disease spread by the emerald ash borer that has afflicted trees throughout Montreal.”

All trees to be taken down this fall will be replaced with good-sized replacements and with appropriate species, Dozois said. The City of Montreal granted permits for the tree felling, following the submission of a report from the University outlining the condition of the trees.

Many of the trees identified as being a risk to people, buildings and vehicles are in the northwest quadrant of the downtown campus.

“No one likes cutting down trees in situations like this,” Dozois said. “But to ensure the safety of our community, as well as other trees in cases of insect infestation and disease, we have absolutely no choice.”