The onset and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic has called on many McGill employees and teams to contribute to the work and mission of the University in outstanding and unforeseen ways. From new or expanded collaborations to revamped organization systems, increased communication and support within teams or improved emotional intelligence, many commendable developments have come from the challenges.
As philosopher Joseph Campbell observed, “Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.”
Each year the Principal’s Awards recognize McGill administrative and support staff – nominated by their colleagues or managers – for their exceptional efforts in line with the strategic direction and mission of the University, with particular emphasis on Service Excellence, Quality of Work, Initiative/Innovation, Teamwork, Service to the Community, and Sustainability.
For the 2020-2021 awards, the volume and caliber of the pool of nominees – 59 nominations for individual staff members and 12 nominations for teams – reflect the exceptional nature of the work that employees across the University succeeded in carrying out in the face of the upheavals caused by the pandemic.
Please join us in reaching out to congratulate the nominees.
Principal Fortier will announce the winner in each of the five categories (Management and Excluded; Clerical; Trades and Services; Technical, Library Assistants, and Nursing; and Team Projects) in the next few weeks.
The award for the winner/winning team in each category includes public recognition at the Fall Convocation ceremony and a $5,000 prize, for a total of $25,000.