On April 24th, McGill officials and research associates and research assistants signed their first collective agreements. After a year of negotiations, members of both bargaining units of AMURE voted strongly in favour of accepting the proposed agreements. The signed agreements will expire on April 23, 2016. The two research groups are represented by the Association of McGill University Research Employees, affiliated with the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC).
Signing of the research associates agreement are (seated from left): Matthew G. Annis, PhD, Research Associate, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre and President of AMURE-PSAC, and Anthony C. Masi, Provost.
Standing behind them (from left) are Jean-Michel Fortin, Union Advisor PSAC-Quebec; Magali Picard, Regional Executive Vice-President, PSAC-Quebec; Fabrice Gravelat, Research Associate, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, and AMURE bargaining team member; Samantha Ryan, Administrative Officer, Faculty of Education and member of the bargaining committee for the employer; Lynne B. Gervais, Associate Vice-Principal Human Resources; Denis Gauthier, negotiator and spokesperson representing McGill on the bargaining committee; and Robert Comeau, Director Employee and Labour Relations.
Signing of the research assistants agreement are (seated from left): Matthew G. Annis, PhD, Research Associate, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre and President of AMURE-PSAC, and Anthony C. Masi, Provost.
Standing behind them (from left) are Jean-Michel Fortin, Union Advisor PSAC-Quebec; Magali Picard, Regional Executive Vice-President, PSAC-Quebec; Sean Cory, Research Assistant, School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and AMURE bargaining team member; Quinn Albaugh, Research Assistant, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts and AMURE bargaining team member; Samantha Ryan, Administrative Officer, Faculty of Education and member of the bargaining committee for the employer; Lynne B. Gervais, Associate Vice-Principal Human Resources, Denis Gauthier, negotiator and spokesperson representing McGill on the bargaining committee, and Robert Comeau, Director Employee and Labour Relations.
Both parties have expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of these first collective agreements and the process of shared communications conducted throughout the talks.
In the coming weeks, the labour relations team will be holding training sessions on implementation of the collective agreements with research groups across the university. Any groups in need of assistance with training or application of the collective agreements may contact denis.gauthier2@mcgill.ca
To view the full version of both collective agreements, click here: