Are you getting questions about human resources but aren’t sure you have the right answers? Do you have issues with Banner or Minerva? Do you know who to call for help in dealing with basic HR matters?
If you have HR responsibilities but don’t always know how to get information or how to perform basic tasks, “HR” can help … first by demystifying what “HR” is and does and who is responsible for what.
The HR Administrators Forum is designed as a two-hour session, aimed at offering you practical information and tips on basic personnel matters and who to contact. Two to three topics will be discussed at each session with enough time set aside to answer questions.
The first session is set for Thursday morning, April 19 at 688 Sherbrooke Street, room 1041. It will feature a brief introduction to the different components of HR and who is responsible for each. Robert Comeau, Director, Employee and Labour Relations, will also provide an overview of labour relations and a snapshot of the various groups. He will then discuss his plans for employee relations in the coming months.
More details about the first session will be sent to you in the coming weeks, but mark your calendars now.