It all started with McGill’s first Health Fair held two years ago. Hélène Fyfe attended and was inspired. At that moment, she was determined to change her personal life, challenged in a sense by the Weight Watchers representative there to promote the program. Two short years later, Hélène is transformed. “I have more energy than ever. I am more focused and I work smarter. I feel confident and have a more positive outlook,” she says, beaming.
Hélène joined Weight Watchers and lost 70 pounds. Eating healthy has become second nature to her and her family. “At 43, I feel amazing. I haven’t taken a single sick day this year.”
Hélène’s passion for health and her journey into fitness has rubbed off on her colleagues. “We run regularly as a group, so we support each other.” The group ranges in age and fitness levels. “Together, we have shed over a hundred pounds. We lost a person but gained a team,” says Hélène, joking with her colleagues.
“You really have to integrate exercise and healthy eating into your regular schedule. My attitude is that I get better results by organizing my life around working out, rather than the other way around. That way, working out remains a priority, otherwise it is easy to make excuses for not doing it. The tremendous energy I have is what keeps me going.” This has even transcended to her two teenage boys who have traded their video games for regular workout challenges.
Hélène, who is on a developmental assignment as Administrator, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, appreciates having a supervisor who understands and supports her initiative. The fact is it’s a win-win situation. “Because I have more energy, I have better concentration in my work, which means being more productive and not taking sick leave,” says Hélène.
See for yourself what McGill’s health and wellbeing program can do for you. For more details, click here.
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