Guylaine Beaudry appointed next Trenholme Dean of Libraries 

Currently the University Librarian at Concordia, Beaudry has extensive academic and leadership experience.
Guylaine Beaudry has been appointed the next Trenholme Dean of Libraries at McGill. Photo © Concordia University

In a message to the community on June 8, 2022, Provost Christopher Manfredi announced that Guylaine Beaudry will become the next Trenholme Dean of Libraries. Her five-year, renewable term will begin on September 1, 2022, and end on August 31, 2027.

After conducting an extensive, international search, an Advisory Committee submitted its recommendation to McGill’s Board of Governors. The Board accepted the recommendation during a meeting held yesterday.

Beaudry is currently University Librarian at Concordia, and has also served as that university’s Vice-Provost of Digital Strategy. “Dr. Beaudry brings extensive academic and leadership experience to the position of Dean,” wrote Provost Manfredi in his message. “Under her leadership, Concordia completed large projects including the major renovation of the Webster Library, and the transformation of the Grey Nuns chapel into a reading room.”

Before joining Concordia, Beaudry was the Director of the Digital Publishing Centre at the Université de Montréal. She also cofounded Érudit, a publishing platform for scholarly books and journals in the social sciences and humanities, and served as its executive director.

Beaudry holds a PhD in the History of the Book from the École pratique des hautes études (Paris) and a Master of Library and Information Science from the Université de Montréal. She has published several academic articles and book chapters, as well as two books: La communication scientifique et le numérique and Profession : Bibliothécaire. She has served on the Royal Society of Canada’s Expert Panel on the status and future of libraries and archives in Canada.

Professor Colleen Cook completes her second term as Trenholme Dean of Libraries on August 31, 2022.

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2 years ago

Congratulations McGill. A great catch