Pow Wow pulls people out of their seats and onto the dance floor

Hundreds of people congregated on lower campus on Sept. 15, to take in the 16th annual Pow Wow. Always a lively event, the atmosphere was even more charged than usual, with audience members voicing their enthusiasm for the various demonstrations of traditional Indigenous song, dance and music. And when the MC asked people from the audience to join in various dances, young and old responded.
Dozens of students from Miss Edgar’s and Miss Cramp’s School joined in the Circle Dance during the Pow Wow on Sept. 15. / Photo: Neale McDevitt

By McGill Reporter Staff

At one point early in McGill’s 16th annual Pow Wow on Sept. 15, the MC invited a group of young students from Miss Edgar’s and Miss Cramp’s School to join in a dance with Indigenous performers. The girls looked at each other and giggled nervously, not moving. Suddenly, one intrepid girl, jumped up and took her place in the circle. Instantly, dozens of students, clad in the green plaid tunic of their school, flooded the floor with smiles on their faces in what proved to be one of the highlights of the event. It also set the tone for a day marked by stirring performances and enthusiastic audience participation.

Photos: Neale McDevitt

Reminder: McGill’s Indigenous Awareness Week is taking place from Sept. 18 to 22. The five-day event is designed to increase awareness about Indigenous peoples in Canada. The week honours the many Indigenous cultures across the country including First Nations, Métis and Inuit. The week also offers an opportunity to collaborate with community partners and draws active participation from McGill students, faculty and staff. Get more information.























