Tickets are still available to hear Neil Turok, director of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, deliver Part 2 of the 2012 Massey Lecture tour at 8 p.m. Friday night at Pollack Hall. Turok, a widely respected physicist, taught at Princeton and Cambridge before taking up his post in Waterloo, Ont. A native of South Africa, Turok has won a number of prestigious awards for his work on the cosmos. His latest opus, The Universe Within, From Quantum to Cosmos, is a fascinating look at some of the most profound change heading our way – the coming quantum revolution that will overtake our current digital age, bringing with it enormous change and opportunity.
The lecture series is about this daunting future that will confront scientists, society and us, as individuals.
Tickets for Lecture 2, “Our Imainary Reality,” cost $25 for adults and $15 for students and seniors, and can be obtained at Pollack Hall, 555 Sherbrooke St. W., or by phone at 514-398-4547. They may also be obtained online through Perimeter Institute’s Ticket Office or by calling the Institute’s box office at 519-883-4480.
The Massey Lectures have been commissioned by the CBC since 1961. They are recorded for broadcast later in the year.