Timothy Wideman honoured by Arthritis Society of Canada

Associate Professor at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy has been recognized for his research on sensitivity to pain from physical activity

Timothy Wideman, Associate Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, was recognized for his research on sensitivity to pain from physical activity by being named to Arthritis Society Canada’s Top 10 Research Advances of 2023.

Timothy Wideman

Wideman identified a molecular sign of inflammation in the saliva of people with back pain that can distinguish who might experience more pain from physical activity, which is usually recommended to reduce joint pain.

A new assessment tool based on pain experienced during tasks can also give a better picture of the impact of this sensitivity on pain and mood in daily life, compared to traditional pain questionnaires.

These insights can help physical therapists and other health and exercise professionals to develop and prescribe more personalized physical activity programs or routines to help effectively manage pain in daily life for people with back pain.

Improving people’s quality of life

“Given the impact on patients, the healthcare system and society at large, research is critical to transforming how arthritis is diagnosed, treated and prevented, and ensuring people receive the best possible care to improve the quality of their lives,” said Dr. Siân Bevan, Chief Science Officer at Arthritis Society Canada, in the organization’s press release.

Arthritis Society Canada is a national health charity supporting arthritis research, advocacy, and innovation. Arthritis Society Canada is the nation’s largest charitable funder of arthritis research. Last year, the organization invested in $6.2 million in research to bring transformational impact to the six million people in Canada living with arthritis.

View the full list of Arthritis Society Canada’s Top 10 Research Advances of 2023.



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