McGill moves up the Times Higher Education Reputation rankings

The University ranks 47th among world’s top 200 most prestigious universities as judged by academics around the globe

McGill has moved up three spots to 47th in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2023 World Reputation Rankings released on February 13. This ranking is based on the results of the academic reputation survey that was carried out by THE and distributed between October 2022 and January 2023.

For the 12th straight year – every year since the rankings debuted in 2011 – McGill has made the global top 50. The University is one of three Canadian institutions to rank in the top 100 in this edition of the list, along with the University of Toronto (21st) and the University of British Columbia (26th). McGill is the 12th ranked public university in North America, and eighth among its 71 peer institutions of the Association of American Universities.

“Reputation really matters – it is the global currency of higher education, helping universities attract and retain talent, bring in research collaborators and court inward investment, said Phil Baty, chief global affairs officer for THE. “It also gives students and alumni the prestige they need in a global jobs market.”

Record number of participating academics

The reputation rankings differ from the THE’s World University Rankings, which evaluate institutions based on a variety of factors, including research, teaching, and international outlook.

Instead, the reputation rankings invite leading academics from around the world to select their top institutions. This year, a record 38,796 academics from 166 countries/regions were asked to name the universities they believe are the best in research and teaching in their field. Over 520,000 votes were cast to provide the clearest picture of universities with the best reputation for research and teaching.

Consult the THE 2023 World Reputation Rankings


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Carol Dallos
5 months ago

Happy and proud of my girls

Ben Locke
5 months ago

Beaten again by rarely-heard of Tsinghua University (#8), Peking University (#11), Singapore NUS (#19), University of Toronto (#21), Kyoto University (#24), Lomonosov University (#34), UBC (University of British Columbia #34), Nanyang Technological University (#36), Jiao Tong University (#43), and other less heard or never-heard schools.
I guess this is the last hurrah for McGill, before the tuition fees, French language requirements, and declining enrollment and reputation set in and start impacting the rankings next Fall and next year.