That’s a wrap! Extended Convocation season draws to a close

“I really want to acknowledge the amazing Convocation team. Twenty-seven convocations, 12,000 graduates. Completely unprecedented. They have accomplished the near impossible flawlessly.”

When Diwei Zhu walked across the stage to accept her Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, First-Class Honours, Sustainability, Science and Society, it marked the end of perhaps the most extraordinary Convocation period in McGill history.

While Convocation ceremonies for 2022 graduates ended on Friday, June 3, the University immediately ramped up for an additional 12 ceremonies for 2020 and 2021 graduates who had been unable to celebrate their achievements in person.

The postponed ceremonies kicked off on Monday, June 6, with two celebrations at Macdonald Campus for students who graduated from the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. They wrapped up one week later, Monday, June 13, with the Science B ceremony.

“I really want to acknowledge the amazing Convocation team,” said Bruce Lennox, Dean of the Faculty of Science in his opening remarks during the last of the postponed ceremonies. “I referred to them this morning as the Cirque de McGill… [because] it is incredible what these people have done.

“Headed by Heidi Emami, Véronique Bélanger, the staff at Enrolment Services – plus our equally amazing co-Marshalls Professor Edith Zorychta and Professor Brendan Gillon,” continued Lennox. “Twenty-seven convocations, 12,000 graduates. Completely unprecedented. Tens of thousands of friends and families. They have accomplished the near impossible flawlessly.”

Judging by the smiles on the faces of McGill’s newest graduates and their family and friends over the past two and a half weeks, it was well worth the effort.

Below is a photo gallery from Convocation ceremonies for students who graduated in 2020 and 2021.

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2 years ago

I graduated from McGill BSc POT 1965. I had a fantastic time studying, working part time, adventuring with McGill Outdoor Club – who still have reunions!, got pulled out of my shyness to best partying at Hillell club & lifetime friends. It gave me a career in physio & then occupational therapy. I well remember climbing up the hill to our excellent classes. Thank you McGill. Uta Embacher now Vaneijnsbergen.