In a ceremony held the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 29, the McGill Medical Simulation Centre was officially re-named in honour of Arnold and Blema Steinberg. The event was held at the Centre’s offices in the Place du Parc complex on Avenue du Parc, next door to McGill’s New Residence.
Dean of Medicine Richard Levin highlighted the importance of the simulation centre to medical training, and director Kevin Lachapelle outlined the Centre’s successes since it inauguration in September, 2006. The Steinbergs were acknowledged as long-time champions of medical training at McGill University, a theme Mr. Steinberg, McGill’s new Chancellor, returned to in his remarks.
The Arnold and Blema Steinberg Medical Simulation Centre is the first fully-integrated complex of its kind in Canada, where medical students and doctors learn a variety of complex medical procedures on high-tech simulation equipment. The centre’s approach has been described as the medical equivalent of flight simulation training for pilots.