Remote delivery for Fall 2020 semester 

The COVID-19 situation still holds uncertainty. To ensure the least possible disruption for students, McGill will deliver its Fall courses primarily through remote delivery. The semester will start as scheduled. 

McGill University, like universities worldwide, has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, McGill announced that it will offer its Fall 2020 courses primarily through remote delivery platforms. The semester will start as scheduled.  

Students and their families can be assured we are planning for robust and high-quality teaching even if the modes of delivery will be modified for this term,” said Prof. Christopher Manfredi, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic), in a statement to the community. “Our commitment is to allow new students to initiate, and returning students to continue without interruption, their respective program of study principally through remote learning platforms.” 

As the COVID-19 situation has evolved over past months, McGill academic leadership and teaching staff have been fully dedicated to developing programs and courses that will offer the needed flexibility to undergraduate and graduate students alike, regardless of where they are located in the world. The University is also developing ways to remotely deliver activities such as small classroom-based seminars, conferences, tutorials, workshops, or reading groups.   

In addition to formal academics, the University is planning on ways for students, from afar, to connect with extraordinary classmates, learn from world-renowned experts, and exchange with other curious, and brilliant minds from all around the world.  

In recognition of the campus life and engagement activities that are part of the full “McGill experience,” the Provost wrote that “My team and I are working assiduously to create opportunities for students’ extracurricular engagement. 

He added that, should public health restrictions on social gathering be lifted, the University will examine the possibility of limited on-campus student life and learning activities in the fall. Were such activities to take place, they would respect careful safety protocols.  

I realize this coming term will be different,” wrote the Provost, “but it will be McGill just the same, with all of its academic excellence and strength of community for which our University is known.” 

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Christine Byrnes
4 years ago

Can you please clarify? Will students be able to live on campus but with virtual classroom/extracurricular activities?

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

Junior Steward
4 years ago

Will there be a season for athletes and any jobs for students in athletics?

Michael Langevin
4 years ago

Example: Can a Korean living in Seoul who has never attended McGill but been accepted in the first year Bachelor of Science degree, attend the courses remotely? This person would have travelled to Montreal and gotten an apartment here if it weren’t for these restrictions.

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

4 years ago

So can we get a clear yes or no to in-class gatherings? Saying that some conferences and tutorials may be in-class kinda defeats the purpose of announcing online classes because I need to know where I’m living

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

tanuka roy
4 years ago

What about tuition and other fees? Will there be a changed fees schedule now that the program is going to be so different from what we signed up for?
My daughter is going into Year 2 of her Bachelor of Arts program

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago
Reply to  tanuka roy

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

4 years ago

This still hasn’t answered the question that is on the mind of students and staff, especially staff those who work on upper residences.
Will there be students in Rez.?

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

4 years ago

Will international students, including those from the US, be allowed to enter Canada to resume classes remotely in Montreal?

4 years ago

I personally think it is unfair with students and their parents to issue a statement that implies some activities will be conducted on campus which in turn requires a large cash outflow to cover living expenses unnecessarily if clases are online. The sooner that clarity is provided the better for our McGill families and their financial decisions at a time when every penny counts for many.

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

Terry Ann Smith
4 years ago

What about residence? Will residence be a housing option in the fall semester? Or will all first year students (out of province or international students) be expected to find off off campus housing?

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

Jeya Karalasingam
4 years ago

Hi, since fall semester is going to be on remotely, I don’t want to send to Montreal to be in Apartment. but we have signed a lease in March before McGill announce cancellation of classes in March. What should we do with the lease and paying so much money from May 2020 to April 2020 to Private Apt owner who is around University.

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here:

Andrea Hukowich
4 years ago

Is anything being done to assist students who have leased an apartment for the year? For example, providing assistance with subletting etc.

Neale Mcdevitt
4 years ago

Provost Christopher Manfredi is hosting a series of Town Halls to address people’s concerns. You might want to consult the FAQ found here: