By McGill Reporter Staff
Spending cuts required under Quebec’s Bill 100 won’t compromise McGill’s commitment to academic advising for students, as the bill specifically excludes staff providing services to students, Senate was told at its meeting Nov. 17.
Dean of Students Jane Everett offered that assurance in response to a question from Arts student Senator Amara Possian, who noted that the Principal’s Task Force on Student Life and Learning had acknowledged that providing high-quality advising across the University would require an investment in additional resources.
Responding to a question from another student senator about the closing off of certain courses to students from other Faculties, Deputy Provost Morton Mendelson said that in specific cases – such as an introductory Science class, where space for laboratory sections is limited – priority has been given to students for whom the course is required for their programs of study. Asked by Senator Matthew Reid whether other Faculties threatened by overcapacity will begin closing off courses, Mendelson said he knew of no immediate threat to other classes because of their popularity – but noted that student interests may shift over time.