Principal's new Task Force aims to promote strength through diversity

Panel seeks suggestions for fostering excellence and community engagement

By McGill Reporter Staff

McGill’s strengths in research, scholarship and teaching have earned sterling marks in national and global rankings.  The University is justifiably proud of its international character and reach.  And it offers a range of valuable community outreach programs, from dental and law clinics for needy Montrealers to green-technology and affordable-housing initiatives.

But how can McGill build on these strengths, by a variety of means, including further enriching diversity on campus and developing partnerships outside its gates?

That, in essence, is the question that the recently formed Principal’s Task Force on Diversity, Excellence and Community Engagement will be seeking to answer over the coming year.

And in order to tap into the ideas and suggestions from a broad cross-section of the McGill community, the Task Force would like to hear from students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends.

The 25-member panel – itself composed of students, faculty and staff members – is inviting submissions on

issues of concern, particularly with regard to the following goals:

  • Enhancing diversity and broad access to McGill to help offer the best education available to outstanding students, advance cutting-edge knowledge, and provide exemplary service to society;
  • Fostering and recognizing the achievement of excellence by members of the McGill community in the pursuit of the school’s academic mission;
  • More effectively and systematically harnessing the talent and energy of the McGill community, including alumni, to partner more closely with fellow citizens in Quebec, across Canada and around the world.

“As successful as McGill has been over the nearly 190 years of our history, we can do better,” notes the Task Force’s vision statement. “As the world globalizes and shrinks, integrating a broader spectrum of voices will be an increasingly indispensable part of providing a stimulating and high-performing academic environment …

“In order to remain a powerful contributor to the strengths of Montreal, Quebec and Canada, we at McGill can cast our net more widely, locally, nationally and globally, to attract a diverse group of outstanding students, faculty members, and administrative and support staff. We have much to offer, and equally, if not more importantly, can derive greater insight, strength and impact from a broader range of community and organizational partnerships.”

The Task Force will consider confidential submissions, but not anonymous ones.  Issues of a particularly sensitive nature can be raised with Victoria Meikle, Senior Policy Advisor to the Principal and Secretary to the Task Force.  She will determine whether the matter might be put before the Task Force; her email

address is

The deadline for receipt of submissions is Friday, Jan. 8.

The Vision, Terms of Reference and description of the Working Groups for the Task Force are available at

For further information, or to submit comments and ideas, or to arrange to make a

submission, contact, or