For School of Social Work, grassroots engagement is part of the program

By Chris Chipello At the McGill School of Social Work, classroom instruction and grassroots community involvement go hand in hand. Every year, some 300 or so students from the School reach out to help: at CLSCs, rehab centres and homeless missions across Montreal; in aboriginal communities elsewhere in Quebec; and,…

December 6: Fourteen not forgotten

By Abby Lippman On Dec. 6 1989, 14 women were killed at École Polytechnique. They were killed because they were women, because they were students in an engineering program. What has come to be called the Montreal Massacre is an event we are all called upon to remember: violence against…

Political Power to the People

By Jeff Roberts Philip Oxhorn and the McGill Centre for Developing-Area Studies are helping strengthen emerging democracies For Philip Oxhorn, the recent death of Chile's former dictator Augusto Pinochet was more than just another headline. Oxhorn did graduate work in Chile during the 1980s, when Pinochet's reign of terror gripped…

Turning the Tide on the World's Water Crisis

By James Martin Brace Centre researchers plunge into water issues at home and abroad The world's population has doubled since 1960. The water supply has not. The United Nations Environment Programme predicts that in 25 years, more than half the world's population will struggle with water shortages—with no part of…

Winds of Change

By Christine Zeindler Researchers tackle problems caused by a warming Arctic landscape As the country shakes off its white blanket of winter and emerges, blinking and grateful, into the warm sunlight of spring, most Canadians are happy to swap their toques for T-shirts. But while their peers are locating their…

From Eureka to Your World

By Jake Brennan, Danielle Buch, Thierry Harris and Andrew Mullins; illustrations by Matt Forsythe 32 Ways* That McGill Research Saves Lives, Kills Weeds, Nabs Thieves… and More * (and counting) In the world of McGill research, creating new knowledge isn’t an end—it’s the means for developing the innovations that change…