Do you want to have a meaningful impact at McGill? Do want to better connect with a network of like-minded people? Do you want support and funding for your efforts to make change on campus? Apply to make it happen. The last Sustainability Projects Fund application deadline for this semester is Monday, Nov. 25. We are accepting project proposals to engage the McGill community in working toward sustainability. Apply at least three months before the critical date by which you need funding. Projects can be in the categories of research, education, connectivity, operations, or governance & administration.
WHY: To kick-start a culture of sustainability at McGill
WHO: For projects led by students, faculty, and staff
WHAT: $840,000 a year (half student fee contributions and half administrative matching funds)
To download the application criteria and the application form, and to see currently funded projects go here. Contact Sustainability Officer Lilith Wyatt or (514) 398-8826 if you have an idea, a project proposal, or any questions.