New ASAP 2102 website launched

ASAP 2012: Achieving Strategic Academic Priorities is McGill’s next strategic academic plan. It was developed with extensive consultation and input from across the McGill community. ASAP 2012 provides us with a roadmap for the next five years, one that reflects previous planning efforts and serves as the foundation for Faculty and administrative strategic plans.

ASAP 2012: Achieving Strategic Academic Priorities is McGill’s next strategic academic plan. It was developed with extensive consultation and input from across the McGill community. ASAP 2012 provides us with a roadmap for the next five years, one that reflects previous planning efforts and serves as the foundation for Faculty and administrative strategic plans. Guided by ASAP 2012, we will ensure that our decisions are poised to lead McGill to a successful and sustainable future grounded in quality, accessibility and sound fiscal management. To learn what ASAP means for you, explore the new site here.