Board approves additional period of service to position McGill with other universities
By McGill Reporter Staff
McGill’s Board of Governors has extended Principal and Vice-Chancellor Heather Munroe-Blum’s term by six months, to June 30, 2013, which will bring McGill into line with the practices of the majority of other universities and create a better time in the academic year for the transition between one administration and another.
At its meeting on Sept. 27, the Board unanimously passed a recommendation from its Executive Committee to make the change from the existing end date of Dec. 31, 2012.
Most major Canadian universities appoint presidents and principals on cycles that coincide with the academic year. The approved change will re-establish the historical summer timing of the McGill term of office.
“I am delighted that the Principal has agreed to accept this additional period of service to ensure an optimal succession process,” said Board Chair Stuart “Kip” Cobbett.
The extension also gives Munroe-Blum a chance to complete McGill’s Making History campaign, which comes to a close at the end of April in 2013.