Does your child have a late bedtime? Does your child get less than 8.5 hours of sleep?
If so, they may be eligible to participate in the “Motivating Teens to Sleep More” study conducted by the Attention, Behaviour and Sleep Laboratory led by Dr. Gruber at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and by the Health Psychology Laboratory led by Dr. Knäuper in the Department of Psychology at McGill.
If your child participates, he/she will be offered four one-on-one sessions that may help them get more sleep and positively affect many areas of their life like school, sports, and relationships with family and friends. To best accommodate your schedule the sessions will be offered at McGill or your home.
Compensation will include a $15 gift certificate to see a movie and a personalized sleep report.
If your child is interested in participating please call Jamie Cassoff (514-398-1399) to provide parental consent or send an email.