McTavish St. stairs are closed for now

As part of the measures being taken to enhance security and safety around the City of Montreal’s McTavish St. sewer and water-main construction project, the stairs at the intersection of McTavish St. and the south side of Dr. Penfield Ave. will be closed immediately for an indeterminate period of time.

As part of the measures being taken to enhance security and safety around the City of Montreal’s McTavish St. sewer and water-main construction project, the stairs at the intersection of McTavish St. and the south side of Dr. Penfield Ave. will be closed immediately for an indeterminate period of time.

Signs will be placed to direct pedestrians to an alternate route across Dr. Penfield, via the plaza on the west side of the Leacock Building.

We would like to remind everyone again that it is very important to obey signs and the signals of flagmen/women and to avoid wearing headphones near the construction site so that reversing warning signals can be heard.

Please be patient and please be safe.

For more information on this project and for regular updates, please visit

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10 years ago

Good decision!
The crosswalk above the stairs is also very dangerous. A lot of people are distracted by the construction and don’t pay attention to the traffic lights there…