March 31: 2014 Eakin Lecture

On Monday, March 31, the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada presents the 2014 Eakin Lecture featuring 2014 Visiting Eakin Fellow professor Cheryl Suzack (Batchewana First Nations), Assistant Professor of English, University of Toronto, and special guest N. Bruce Duthu, Samson Occom Professor and Chair of Native American Studies, Dartmouth College, and enrolled tribal member, United Houma Nation of Louisiana

On Monday, March 31, at 4:30 p.m at the McGill Faculty Club (3450 Mctavish street), the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada presents the 2014 Eakin Lecture. The lecture, titled Discussing Indigenous Agency, will feature 2014 Visiting Eakin Fellow professor Cheryl Suzack (Batchewana First Nations), Assistant Professor of English, University of Toronto, and special guest N. Bruce Duthu, Samson Occom Professor and Chair of Native American Studies, Dartmouth College, and enrolled tribal member, United Houma Nation of Louisiana. Suzack will present “Reparatory Justice, Human Rights, and Indigenous Feminisms”, followed by Duthu, who will present, “Of Guardian and Wards: Tribal Sovereignty & The Limits of Legal Pluralism”.

This event is free and open to the public. Reception to follow. Find out more about the lecture here. Register by e-mail at