What factors affect our quality of life as we grow older? How can we influence these factors to promote better overall health and well-being as we age? Come together with leading health researchers from McGill and the Université de Montréal to explore how nutrition, exercise, and self-care can help people optimally adapt to changing life circumstances. Join in a lively discussion that will touch all generations. Free admission, snacks will be served. March 12; 6 – 7:30 p.m.; Le Café des Beaux-Arts, 1384 Sherbrooke St. W. RSVP: letstalk@clinepi.mcgill.ca or 514-934-1934 extension 44739.
March 12: “I’m not afraid of aging…but let’s talk.”
What factors affect our quality of life as we grow older? How can we influence these factors to promote better overall health and well-being as we age? Come together with leading health researchers from McGill and the Université de Montréal to explore how nutrition, exercise, and self-care can help people optimally adapt to changing life circumstances.