By McGill Reporter Staff
The major City of Montreal project to replace water and sewer lines on McTavish St., from Sherbrooke St. to Dr. Penfield Ave., finally got under way on Wednesday, April 30.
The City had hoped to do preliminary work a couple of weeks ago, but the ground was still too frozen. No work was done during the exam period, which finished Tuesday, April 29. That preliminary work will now take place in two phases over the first two weeks of the project, before construction begins in earnest in the middle of May.
The project, which will continue throughout the summer (the City estimates it will take 90 days), will see old water and sewer lines replaced. At McGill’s request, the City will install additional storm sewer drains at the south end of the street to help deal with water in the event of a flood similar to that of a little more than a year ago.
During the project, pedestrian access to the street itself will be severely constrained, but the western sidewalk, in front of the Bookstore, the Faculty Club, the Student Centre and so forth, will remain open. There will be a crossing provided for at the McTavish Gate, and vehicular access for deliveries to the Redpath Library loading dock on the east side, as well as for emergency vehicles, will be maintained.
Please obey flagmen or security personnel as they direct pedestrian and heavy truck traffic in the vicinity.
Deliveries to buildings on the west side of McTavish will be made via the alley behind them, and access to the Bronfman Building parking garage will be only available via the Peel Street entrance/exit road.
The construction work itself will be carried out in two phases: first, from Sherbrooke St. north to the alleyway beside the Faculty Club; second, from the Faculty Club north to Dr. Penfield Ave.
At the moment, the City expects construction to last well into August, but the actual completion date is at this point unknowable, depending upon contingencies that might arise.
To keep up to date, you can visit McGill’s construction website, where the University will post updates as the work progresses.
If you have questions about the work or how it might affect you, please contact and your questions will be answered to the best of our ability.
Messages indicating significant developments or changes in the project will be sent to the community as needed.
The City of Montreal maintains a website and an information hotline from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at 514 872-3777. Outside of those hours, you can call 311.