The McGill Dobson Cup Start-UP Competition is open to all for-profit and social enterprise start-ups that are less than two years old. Benefit from the opportunity to present your ideas to a panel of experienced entrepreneurs. Participants compete for prize money, prestige and, more importantly, guidance through mentorship even after the competition has ended. Judging will focus on innovativeness, growth potential and feasibility. Teams include one to five members; at least one team member must be a McGill student, employee or alumnus.
· Prizes totaling $60,000
· Two categories: Social Enterprise and For-Profit
· Submissions will be accepted between March 19-26. View competition details here. Preregister here.
Unsure about applying? Get a taste of what it’s like by attending the upcoming McGill Dobson Cup Boot-Camp on Friday, Jan. 31, from 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. and hear from successful entrepreneurs and students who have started their own companies. Open to all students from all faculties at McGill.