Canada can be a powerhouse in providing fuels of the future and McGill researchers are leading the way. Find out more at the 12th annual Food for Thought lecture series on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012, from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Raymond Building at Macdonald Campus. Professor Don Smith will talk about the new Network of Centres of Excellence on Advanced Biofuels (BioFuelNet Canada) that will make McGill and Macdonald a national and international leader in this area – producing biofuel without cutting into precious food supplies.
Fuels of the future: McGill leads the way
Professor Don Smith will talk Tuesday about the new Network of Centres of Excellence on Advanced Biofuels (BioFuelNet Canada) that will make McGill and Macdonald a national and international leader in this area – producing biofuel without cutting into precious food supplies.