Dynamic duo
McGill Faculty of Law professors combined for a potent one-two punch as they took two of the three top prizes of the prestigious Prix de la Fondation du Barreau du Québec in June. Professor Robert Leckey won the prize in the category “Best Article” for a paper he published in the Osgoode Hall Law Journal last year called “Prescribed by Law / Une règle de droit” on legal bilingualism in public law. Professor Lara Khoury won the prize in the category “Best Monograph” for her book Uncertain Causation in Medical Liability, published by Hart in England in 2006. The Prix de la Fondation du Barreau is designed to recognize original scholarship of interest to the legal profession and the academic world.
Doxtater named to AEC
Michael Doxtater, Director of Indigenous Studies in Education, has been appointed to the Aboriginal Educational Council (AEC) of the Ontario College or Art and Design in Toronto. The Council provides guidance and advice in the development and operation of OCAD’s new “Aboriginal Visual Culture Program: Art, Media, and Design.” Prof. Doxtater ranks among Canada’s leading experts on Native culture in Canada. His background includes art exhibitions, exposition design, aboriginal cultural education, and various broadcast and written media in Canada and the United States.