In an effort to improve your experience requesting access to the Student Information System (SIS), Enrolment Services has made changes to the request procedures and documentation. Effective Aug. 19, they will be introducing an online Student Information System (SIS) request form to replace the PDF SIS Authorization form. (The web form will continue to be accessible here). Paper/fax forms will no longer be accepted. Other changes include: an online Student Information System (SIS) employee transfer and termination form; role-based access instead of function-based access (depending on your role, you will receive a predetermined set of security permissions); FAQs to facilitate the transition; online documentation listing the roles, summary description, functionality, and training required for each role, and a web form for users to submit general security access questions.
The changes will help employees, managers, and support staff eliminate the need to print and fax paper forms (and the associated costs), provide more convenient and efficient access, alleviate the difficulties of identifying the appropriate access (by using role-based access), and provide the necessary tools and documentation. Click here for more details.