McGill's smoking policy applies to electronic cigarettes

With the advent of so-called e-cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, some in our community have asked whether McGill's policy with regard to smoking applies to "vaping" or the use of electronic cigarettes. It does.

no-smoking-symbolWith the advent of so-called e-cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, some in our community have asked whether McGill’s policy with regard to smoking applies to “vaping” or the use of electronic cigarettes. It does. While our smoking policy is currently under review, the existing policy was amended on Sept. 22, 2014, to include electronic cigarettes. Wherever smoking is prohibited on our campuses, the use of e-cigarettes is also prohibited. Your co-operation with this policy is appreciated.



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Marion Burt (BA 69)
9 years ago

Well, I’ve always been proud of McGill, but am very disappointed with this decision. I had hoped that the university would take a lead role in investigating the current and on-going research into personal vaporizers with a view to freeing smokers from the deadly scourge of tobacco cigarettes. Millions of people around the world — and thousands in Canada — who struggled with the smoking addiction are now free. They keep the harmless hand-mouth connection and replace the foul taste of smoke with pleasant flavours of their choice (through ingredients that have been approved by Health Canada). Their exhalations are… Read more »