By Neale McDevitt
Nelson Mandela, Mario Lemieux, Dr. Robert Gallo, Justin Bieber. More than just the beginning of a four-guys-in-a-lifeboat joke, the quartet could represent part of McGill’s next cohort of Honorary Degree recipients – so long as someone nominates them, of course.
Many McGillians aren’t aware they are able to take part in the nomination process. “We’re broadly disseminating the call for nominations,” said Stephen Strople, McGill’s Secretary-General. “An honorary degree is the highest honour within the power of the University to confer and it is of great importance that our community participates in the process.”
The criteria for nominees are flexible enough so that people shouldn’t disregard a potential “dark horse” candidate.
“They are framed in a very open-ended way,” he said. “Those criteria would include such things as scholarly, scientific or artistic achievements of a very high calibre and exceptional contributions to the public good through professional or philanthropic activity.
“But we can also honour individuals whose outstanding contributions to their fields or to society may not yet have been widely recognized,” Strople continued. “We encourage people to think very broadly because this gives us the opportunity to consider achievements in fields of endeavour that one might not ordinarily think of.”
For candidates to be considered for the Spring 2011 Convocation ceremonies, the University Secretariat must receive their nomination by Sept. 20.
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