AskMcGill and get the right answer… quickly!

AskMcGill is an instant response service that provides quick answers to students' questions. Simply type a question in everyday language and receive an answer and/or links to additional information.

ask-mcgill-text-logo-568xXAskMcGill is an instant response service that provides quick answers to students’ questions. Simply type a question in everyday language and receive an answer and/or links to additional information. Launched in late August with the goal of helping new students better navigate McGill, AskMcGill has recently been updated with additional information and resources for current students. A collaborative initiative developed by Student Life and Learning and the School of Continuing Studies, AskMcGill will continue to be enhanced based on evolving student needs and feedback from the McGill community. You can help by giving them your feedback.


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Victor Chisholm
9 years ago

Could this article have a link to the AskMcGill webpage where one submits questions? Is it a smartphone app for download?

Madeleine Reinhart
9 years ago

I am currently applying to McGill for undergraduate studies, but I am unable to input my OUAC Reference Number in Minerva. I have tried it in many different formats (as Minerva says I am not to input any spaces or dashes), and I have tried it with a zero at the end as the OUAC suggested, but nothing seems to work. Is there anything that I should be doing differently?

Amanda McMullan
9 years ago

Hi. I have been trying to complete my application on McGill “Apply Now”. I have already begun my application but when I login with my ID and pin, it brings me to the options either create a new application or update/complete the application that I have already started. When I try to complete my application, the following message occurs every time! : McGill Applications. You have been logged out of the system due to security reasons. Please login again. When I try to login again, it just does the same thing over. It is very frustrating. How can I complete… Read more »