The website outlining the details of the Aqueduct Repairs Project has been updated wth an English language map (shown here) and new Phase III road closure information. Note that from Monday, May 6, to Tuesday, May 14, the intersection at Durocher and des Pins will be closed on the south side. Phase III is scheduled to run between April 29 and August 27.
For the duration of Phase III, eastbound circulation on Pine Ave. between Doctor Penfield and Durocher St. will be closed. Westbound circulation, as well as on the upper sections of University, Aylmer, and Durocher Streets, will be variously restricted. Three teams will be working simultaneously on this site to ensure the schedule is adhered to. This stage of the work involves a certain amount of rock drilling, which the City warns will be noisy.
Click here for more information on the aqueduct repairs project.