Fall Convocation in pictures

Almost 1,700 people graduated from McGill this fall. The McGill Reporter has created a photo gallery from last week's Convocation ceremonies at Place des Arts.
Newly minted grads are all smiles at last week's Convocation ceremonies. / Photo: Alison Slattery Photography
Newly minted grads are all smiles at last week’s Convocation ceremonies. / Photo: Alison Slattery Photography

For Principal Suzanne Fortier, the story of last week’s Convocation ceremonies could be told in numbers. “Nineteen is the age of the youngest graduate with us today, and 65 is the oldest,” she told a cheering crowd gathered in Place des Arts’ Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier. “As of 4 p.m. yesterday there were 7,379,797,966 people on this planet. Now that’s a big number. But there is only one of you – only one of you with very unique talents, and a unique personality, a unique mind and heart… What will you bring to the world with what is unique about you?”

Below are pictures of just some of the unique individuals who took part in the Convocation ceremonies. Click on each thumbnail to enlarge the pictures. All photos by Alison Slattery Photography.