UPDATED: 2013 Spring Convocation in pictures

By the time the last flying mortarboard landed back on earth and the final skirl of the bagpipe faded into the distance, more that 7,300 graduating students had accepted their degrees during this year's Spring Convocation ceremonies from May 27 to June 3. Here is a photo gallery of the proceedings.
Golden Violin winner Baptiste Rodrigues plays for the audience during the Schulich Music School ceremony. / Photo: Owen Egan
Golden Violin winner Baptiste Rodrigues plays for the audience during the Schulich Music School ceremony. / Photo: Owen Egan

By the time the last flying mortarboard landed back on earth and the final skirl of the bagpipe faded into the distance, more that 7,300 graduating students had accepted their degrees during this year’s Spring Convocation ceremonies from May 27 to June 3.

In addition to the awarding of degrees to students and teaching awards to some of the University’s exceptional faculty, McGill confered honorary degrees upon 11 exceptional individuals, including a world-renowned singer and humanitarian, a Nobel Prize-winning AIDS researcher, a best-selling essayist, a leading philosopher, and business innovators and leaders.

Finally, these ceremonies marked the last for Heather Munroe-Blum as Principal and Vice-Rector of the University, who will step down on June 30 after more than a decade at the helm of McGill.

The following is a selection of pictures from Spring Convocation 2013.


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Michel Bouvrette
11 years ago

J’ai participer à la Collation des grades vendredi le 31 mai.
La faculté de Musique et Sound Recording.
Un très beau moment.
J’ai des photos du groupe de Sound Recording.
Une certaine Mélanie Collins de McGill m’a demandé les photos mais je ne réussi pas à la contacter par courriel.
Est-ce que quelqu’un peut me mettre en contact.

Sean Ferguson
11 years ago

Son adresse est recruitment.music@mcgill.ca

Sam Shmilfke
11 years ago

Who gave the commencement address?

Mohammad Zain el din and Amal El Turk
11 years ago

We would like to thank you about the above post photo of daughter OLa

11 years ago

I was plying trombone in the brass quintet. any pictures of that?

Mohammad Zain El Din and Amal El Turk
11 years ago

We would like to thanks Mcgill management and faculty and all members for all support to our daughter Ola to finished her degree. Best Regards.