The American Mathematical Society has awarded its Centennial Fellowship for the 2019–2020 academic year to McGill’s Piotr Przytycki, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
The Centennial Fellowship carries a stipend of US$93,000, a travel expense allowance of US$9,300, and a complimentary AMS membership for one year. The primary selection criterion for the award is the excellence of the candidate’s research.
Przytycki comes from a family of mathematicians. His mother, Jolanta Słomińska, is an algebraic topologist, and his father, Feliks Przytycki, does dynamical systems. Przytycki’s husband, Marcin Sabok, is also a mathematician at McGill, a logician. Przytycki’s research interests are geometric group theory and low-dimensional topology.
Przytycki will use the fellowship for full support for the academic year and to visit collaborators in the United Kingdom, France, Poland and the United States.